A few SCNTechnique examples

2015/08/26 | Simon Rodriguez | computer graphics ios rendering scenekit
Table of Contents


SCNTechnique is an interesting class of the SceneKit library that allows a developer to easily setup a multiple-passes rendering, without having to implement her own framebuffer management code [1]. A technique is assigned to a SCNRenderer (a view, a layer, a frame), and is instantiated from the content of a plist file where each pass is described.
This class is quite powerful when one wants to achieve custom rendering effects while retaining the advantages of the SceneKit engine pipeline. But the documentation on the subject is limited [2], and the tutorials available online, sparse. Thus this post. Please note that the examples described below are here to present and explain the SCNTechnique class. They are not always the best ones performance-wise, and some easier implementations might be able to replicate the same effects without relying on SCNTechnique.

Structure of a Technique.plist file

A few things:

We now switch to a few examples. The code of all examples is available on Github.

A first (rainy) example

Result of the first filter
Result of the first filter

For the first example, we want to simulate rain running down the screen. There are two steps:

Normal map used
Normal map used

Our SCNTechnique contains only one defined pass. We use COLOR (as the result of an implicit first pass) and the normal map as inputs, plus the time uniform, and we draw a quad (DRAW_QUAD mode). In the fragment shader, we compute animated uv, read from the normalSampler, compute the normal, and use it to read from the colorSampler, before outputing to the color renderbuffer.

vec2 new_uv = func(uv,time)
vec3 normal = texture2D(normalSampler,new_uv).rgb;
normal = normal * 2.0 - 1.0;
gl_FragColor.rgb = texture2D(colorSampler,fract(uv + normal.xy*0.1)).rgb;
gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;


Implementing a sobel filter

Our second example will use multiple DRAW_QUAD passes. We are going to implement a Sobel filter, used in edge-detections algorithms. A Sobel filter basically approximate the color (or shade of gray) derivative between adjacent pixels, by doing a 3x3 matrix product. It can be performed vertically and horizontally, to compute a magnitude and an angle.

For each pixel we are going to sample among the eight neighbouring pixels. This implies a lot of texture reads; as OpenGL ES 2 doesn't include the textureOffset function, we will have to perform dependant texture reads for each fragment. We use the separability property of the Sobel filter to lower the number of texture reads and computations. Indeed, the matrix computation can be replaced by two 3x1 vector products. Here, the difference in performances is going to be negligible[5], this is more a pretext to use multiple custom passes than anything else. But for computing a gaussian blur for instance, the separability can really help lower the number of reads and computations to perform.

Our SCNTechnique has a DRAW_SCENE default pass and two DRAW_QUAD passes : the first quad pass read from COLOR and performs the first vector computation. It writes the result to an intermediary target, in the R channel for the x-filter and the G channel for the y-filter. Then, the second quad pass reads from this target and performs the second vector computation, before outputing the result as a black and white picture. It can also compute the magnitude and angle of the gradient.

First fragment shader:

//Compute the first pass of Gx : [1 0 -1]
float t_x_0 = 1.0 * rgb_2_luma(texture2D(colorSampler,uv+vec2(-1.0,0.0)/size).rgb);
float t_x_2 = -1.0 * rgb_2_luma(texture2D(colorSampler,uv+vec2(1.0,0.0)/size).rgb);
float gx1 = (t_x_0 + t_x_2);
//gx1 between -1 and 1
gl_FragColor.r = 0.5*gx1+0.5;

//Compute the first pass of Gy : [1 2 1]
float t_y_0 = 1.0 * rgb_2_luma(texture2D(colorSampler,uv+vec2(0.0,-1.0)/size).rgb);
float t_y_1 = 2.0 * rgb_2_luma(texture2D(colorSampler,uv+vec2(0.0,0.0)/size).rgb);
float t_y_2 = 1.0 * rgb_2_luma(texture2D(colorSampler,uv+vec2(0.0,1.0)/size).rgb);
float gy1 = (t_y_0 + t_y_1 + t_y_2);
//gy1 between 0 and 4
gl_FragColor.g = 0.25*gy1;

Second fragment shader:

//Compute the second pass of Gx : [1 2 1]^T
float t_x_0 = 1.0 * texture2D(colorSampler,uv+vec2(0.0,-1.0)/size).r*2.0-1.0;
float t_x_1 = 2.0 * texture2D(colorSampler,uv+vec2(0.0,0.0)/size).r*2.0-1.0;
float t_x_2 = 1.0 * texture2D(colorSampler,uv+vec2(0.0,1.0)/size).r*2.0-1.0;
//float gx2 = (t_x_0 + t_x_1 + t_x_2)*0.125+0.5;//used when outputing x-filter separately
float gx2 = (t_x_0 + t_x_1 + t_x_2);

//Compute the second pass of Gy : [1 0 -1]^T
float t_y_0 = 1.0 * texture2D(colorSampler,uv+vec2(-1.0,0.0)/size).g*4.0;
float t_y_2 = -1.0 * texture2D(colorSampler,uv+vec2(1.0,0.0)/size).g*4.0;
//float gy2 = (t_y_0 + t_y_2)*0.125+0.5;//used when outputing y-filter separately
float gy2 = (t_y_0 + t_y_2);

//Compute magnitude (or angle)
float mag = sqrt(gx2*gx2+gy2*gy2);
//float theta = atan(gy2,gx2);
gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3(mag*0.5);

Results (with various normalizations modes)

Result of the Sobel filter
Result of the Sobel filter

Results depend a lot on the various normalizations steps used. As we don't have the hand on the rendertargets configuration, SCNTechnique prevents us from using floating point framebuffers.

Reflections on a plane

Result of the mirror technique
Result of the mirror technique

We now implement a classical framebuffer exercise : planar reflections. Imagine an object (here a plane) above a water surface. How to render the reflections of the plane and the sky on the surface of the water ? One way of doing it is to render the scene from a point of view under the water plane, as shown on this figure :

Principle of the mirror effect
Principle of the mirror effect

By flipping this rendered picture vertically and texturing the water plane in screen-space with it, we can achieve this effect. Furthermore, by using a normal map, we can reproduce the perturbations of reflections on the water.

Normal map for waves
Normal map for waves

Usually, you would render the whole scene seen from under in a texture, and use it in the shader linked to the water plane. But you can't pass the intermediary color target as a uniform texture in an object's shader outside of the technique's shaders. Everything has to be managed during a SCNTechnique pass where you only render the node you want to use the texture with.
An alternative is to use a stencil buffer, to render the water plane in the same renderbuffer as the whole scene by using a mask. But I'm not used to work with stencils, and as I wasn't getting any result despite all my good will, I've chosen to use the depth buffer instead for mixing the scene and the water plane together.

So, we have four passes :

The color and depth renders of each pass are shown above. The two importants shaders are the one to render the water plane, and the one that performs the final mix.

Water rendering:

//----Vertex shader----

attribute vec4 a_position;
attribute vec2 a_texcoord;
uniform mat4 mvp;
varying vec2 uv;

void main() {
    gl_Position = mvp * a_position;
    uv = a_texcoord;

//----Fragment shader----

uniform sampler2D colorSampler;
uniform sampler2D normalSampler;
uniform vec2 size;
uniform float u_time;
varying vec2 uv;

void main() {
    vec2 uv_1 = gl_FragCoord.xy / size.xy;
    vec3 normal = texture2D(normalSampler,fract(uv*10.0+vec2(0.0,u_time*0.1))).rgb * 2.0 - 1.0;
    gl_FragColor.rgb = mix(vec3(0.1,0.3,0.6),texture2D(colorSampler,vec2(uv_1.x,1.0-uv_1.y)+normal.xy*0.1).rgb,0.5);

Final mix:

//----Vertex shader----

attribute vec4 a_position;
varying vec2 uv;

void main() {
    gl_Position = a_position;
    uv = (a_position.xy + 1.0) * 0.5;

//----Fragment shader----
uniform sampler2D sampler_color_scene;
uniform sampler2D sampler_depth_scene;
uniform sampler2D sampler_color_plane;
uniform sampler2D sampler_depth_plane;
uniform float u_time;
varying vec2 uv;

void main() {
    float depth = texture2D(sampler_depth_scene,uv).r;
    float depth_plane = texture2D(sampler_depth_plane,uv).r;
    if (depth == 1.0 && depth_plane == 1.0){
        //Special case: if both depths are 1, we show the scene
        gl_FragColor = texture2D(sampler_color_scene,uv);
    } else if (depth == 1.0){
        //depth_plane < depth_scene = 1.0, we show the plane
        gl_FragColor = texture2D(sampler_color_plane,uv);
    } else if (depth_plane <= depth){
        //depth_plane <= depth_scene, we show the plane
        gl_FragColor = texture2D(sampler_color_plane,uv);
    } else {
        //else we show the scene
        gl_FragColor = texture2D(sampler_color_scene,uv);


In its current state, SceneKit seems to have a bug when using a custom scene background. Whether it is a color, an image or a cubemap, the scene.background property is not rendered in a pass as soon as you're not rendering the whole scene with all nodes included.[6] I had to use an inverted cube as a substitution cubemap (you can notice the difference with the other scenes).

A basic SSAO

Screen space ambient occlusion is a post-processing method to add more details to lighting and shadow in a scene. The general idea is to use positions and normals of each object's surface in screen-space to infer where objects are close enough to shadows each other and limit the amount of received light. Two explanations/tutorials are A simple and practical approach to SSAO and this SSAO tutorial.

For each fragment, we randomly sample points around it. For each of those points we get the corresponding normal and depth; we can then compute their positions, and compare them with the fragment's position. If they are physically close, and if the surfaces at those points are oriented in a certain way, this means that the light reaching each of the surfaces is partially blocked, and there should be a diffuse shadow.

We will have three passes :

First pass

The first pass targets
The first pass targets

(color and depth)

Second pass

The second pass targets
The second pass targets


The shader code for the second pass is just here to output the normal at each fragment in the color target.

//----Vertex shader----
attribute vec4 a_position;
attribute vec4 a_normal;
uniform mat4 mvp;
uniform mat4 nor_mat;
varying vec3 normal;

void main() {
    gl_Position = mvp*a_position;
    //nor_mat is the precomputed normal matrix, to move from model to screen space.
    normal = (nor_mat * a_normal).xyz;

//----Fragment shader----
varying vec3 normal;
uniform vec2 size;

void main() {
    gl_FragColor.rgb = normalize(normal) * 0.5 + 0.5;
    gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;

Third pass

The third pass targets
The third pass targets

(positions and AO result)

The code for the third pass is more complex. SSAO relies on a lot of settings with various and scene-specific effects on the result. We also have to compute positions based on the depth buffer content.

//----Vertex shader----
attribute vec4 a_position;
varying vec2 uv;

void main() {
    gl_Position = a_position;
    uv = (a_position.xy + 1.0) * 0.5;

//----Fragment shader----
uniform sampler2D normalSampler;
uniform sampler2D noiseSampler;
uniform sampler2D depthSampler;
uniform sampler2D colorSampler;
varying vec2 uv;
uniform vec2 size;

const float thfov = 0.5773502692;//precomputed base on the fov
const float projA = 1.0101010101;//precomputed factor based on zfar and znear
const float g_scale = 1.0;
const float g_bias = 0.2;
const float g_sample_rad = 0.001;
const float g_intensity = 1.5;

//No uniform or const array in GLSL ES 1.0
vec2 pseudoSampleArray(int index){
    if(index==0){return vec2(1.0,0.0);
    } else if (index==1) {return vec2(-1.0,0.0);
    } else if (index == 3) {return vec2(0.0,1.0);
    } else { return vec2(0.0,-1.0); }

//Compute the 3D position of a point given in screen space using depth
vec3 getPosition(vec2 uv_c) {
    vec2 ndc = uv_c * 2.0 - 1.0;
    float aspect = size.x / size.y;
    vec3 viewray = vec3(ndc.x * thfov * aspect,ndc.y * thfov,-1.0);
    float linear_depth = -projA/(texture2D(depthSampler,uv_c).r - projA);
    vec3 pos = linear_depth / 100.0 * viewray;
    return pos;//*0.8;

//Compute the AO participation for the origin point
float computeAO(vec2 uv, vec2 shift, vec3 origin, vec3 normal) {
    vec3 diff = getPosition(uv + shift) - origin;
    vec3 n_diff = normalize(diff);
    float d = length(diff)*g_scale;
    return (1.0-n_diff.z*0.9)*max(0.0,dot(normal,n_diff)-g_bias)*(1.0/(1.0+d))*g_intensity;

void main() {
    vec3 normal = normalize(texture2D(normalSampler,uv).rgb * 2.0 - 1.0);
    vec3 position = getPosition(uv);
    //Reading in the 64x64 noise texture
    vec2 random_normal = normalize(texture2D(noiseSampler, uv * size/vec2(64.0,64.0)).xy * 2.0 - 1.0);
    float ao = 0.0;
    //Radius inv. prop. to the depth of the point
    float radius = g_sample_rad/abs(position.z);
    int iter = 4;
    for(int i = 0;i < iter;i++){
        //We use the random_normal combined with a reflection to sample 4 points at each iteration
        vec2 coord1 = reflect(pseudoSampleArray(i),random_normal) * radius;
        vec2 coord2 = vec2(0.707 * coord1.x - 0.707 * coord1.y, 0.707 * coord1.x + 0.707 * coord1.y);
        ao += computeAO(uv,coord1 * 0.25, position,normal);
        ao += computeAO(uv,coord2 * 0.5, position,normal);
        ao += computeAO(uv,coord1 * 0.75, position,normal);
        ao += computeAO(uv,coord2, position,normal);
    ao /= (float(iter) * 4.0);
    //We apply the AO to the color input
    gl_FragColor.rgb = (1.0-ao)*texture2D(colorSampler,uv).rgb;
    gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;

Final Result

And here is a version with a stronger SSAO, using modified position scale.

And finally a close-up using a full Phong light rendering instead of just ambient, mixed with AO.

Wrap up

And that's it, enough SCNTechnique examples for today! The code of all those demos (wrapped up in an iOS app) is available on Github. As you can see SCNTechnique has some limitations, but remains a great way to implement a multi-passes rendering in SceneKit. The performances are quite good as long as you stay in the limits of what OpenGL ES allows (especially the shading language). Hopefully iOS 9 will change this for the most recent devices[7]. The tools provided for debugging GPU code are also great and allow you to better understand how SceneKit runs under the hood, and to correct and refine your code. There are still a few bugs or unexplained behaviours that remain and can make your SceneKit life harder, but it is overall a great engine with good performances and useful tools.

  1. by overriding the SceneKit rendering engine 

  2. the SCNTechnique documentation page and a few lines of code in bigger demo projects 

  3. you don't have access to textureSize with OpenGL ES 2, for instance 

  4. typically view.frame.size, scaled for Retina screens 

  5. because of the zeroes in the Sobel matrix 

  6. radar opened here 

  7. with the ability to switch between OpenGL ES 2, 3 and Metal depending on the device GPU capacities