Year: 2015
Thoth, un générateur de blog.
Cela fait bien longtemps que ce blog n'a pas été mis à jour (et ce n'est pas la première fois que j'écris cette phrase). {#Thoth} Ce site est passé par pas mal d'étapes. Son ancêtre a été commencé sur la plateforme…
A few SCNTechnique examples
Introduction SCNTechnique is an interesting class of the SceneKit library that allows a developer to easily setup a multiple-passes rendering, without having to implement her own framebuffer management code. A technique is assigned to a SCNRenderer…
It can be useful during the development and debug of graphical code to check the OpenGL version or which extensions are available. Swift being more type-sensitive than Objective-C, one sometimes needs to fiddle when combining it with OpenGL.…
Le manoir récursif
Je me suis mis récemment en tête d’explorer un peu le domaine de la génération procédurale. Cet ensemble de techniques est revenu à la mode dans le monde du jeu vidéo ces dernières années. On pensera par exemple à Minecraft, Dwarf…
Un ciel dans le shader.
J'ai eu l'occasion durant ce semestre de commencer à apprendre à programmer pour OpenGL. Il s'agit d'une interface de programmation graphique implémentée par la plupart des fabricants de cartes graphiques, et qui permet…
GarageBand missing loops
If you used to make podcasts or sound effects with old versions of GarageBand, you might remember the Podcasts category of sound loops. It contained a lot of funny jingles, nice ambient sounds and numerous sound effects that were quite useful.…
Lantern, part 2
This week, I worked on lighting and improving general quality. Lighting Lighting is an important part of creating the mood of the scene. I needed to recreate the warm moving light of a lantern's flame at night. Lights After much…
Lantern : a devlog
With this article, I'm going to start a new adventure! I want to begin a new personal project revolving around SceneKit (3D scenes on iOS), Blender and visual effects. The initial idea is to create a small realtime-3D scene with a carefully…
NSFileWrapper serializedRepresentation
With the last update of Aquarii, I published online a small utility app, allowing people to extract data from their backups archives. The reason is that backups are generated using the NSFileWrapper class, and its serializedRepresentation method :…
Lantern, part 3
After a few silent weeks, some news about my Lantern project! I spent some time polishing the 3.4 Aquarii update, but also had the time to add many features to this project. Many general improvements have been made, and things like sounds, effects…
Quick updates
At last, an update on this blog! I am currently following a double cursus that takes most of my time, and in my spare time I try to focus as much as possible on my personal projects, leaving me literally no time to update this blog. But as the…